Zine 02

Missing by Pieter Retief, Albert Retief and Adriaan Louw

What is a zine?

A zine is usually a non – commercial, non professional publication, kind of like a magazine but with a twist. The main difference between a magazine and a zine is that zines are not out there to make a profit but, rather, to add other, often unheard voices into the mix. Zines are usually made out of interest and passion and are often self-published by the photographer/writer/artist/creator.

The slight breeze coming through the train window as we headed out of town and the air-conditioned trams in the inner city felt like small treats before the sun beat down on us again. The heat was unbearable and trying to escape it was virtually impossible. It was all worth it though, as the crew of 6 embarked on their first skateboarding team trip abroad. Amazing Asian cuisine, affordable living and amazing spots were only some of the draw cards to document skateboarding in Bangkok. The excitement was real and knowing that the next 17 days would be spent exploring the unknown made you appreciate every moment.

You learn a lot on trips like these, not just about cultures and the people around you, but how to inspire others and be inspired to keep traveling the world. The appreciation you have during and after trips is truly special. You can celebrate after landing tricks, but it’s about way more than that, sharing experiences with friends is the ultimate gift.

Traveling with such a diverse group of characters really keeps you on your toes. These guys are living for the moment and you never know what will happen next. Amongst the crew you have Yann Horowitz, Josh Chisholm, Pieter Retief and Dlamini Dlamini. Finding the balance between skateboarding and the bright lights proved difficult at times, but knowing these guys they will always deliver the goods! We could not have asked for a better outcome, or for such support and generosity from the locals. Thank you Bangkok!

This publication showcases a glimpse of what happened in Bangkok during November 2017 featuring Yann Horowitz, Josh Chisholm, Pieter Retief and Dlamini Dlamini.

Where to From Here is a company that Pieter Retief started mid 2017, the idea is to create skateboarding and travel related content. Whether it’s on his own accord or with the support of brands the objectives remain the same, keep skating and keep traveling the world with your friends.

Photography: Pieter Retief, Albert Retief and Adriaan Louw

Designed and edited by Hanno Van Zyl

Supported by Adidas and Baseline.

The zine is available for purchase below.

Check Out The Missing Video Feature